4K超高清英语原版动画 片段12排行榜
- 鲜花 5
- 门面币 0
- 排名 282
- 点击 184
Two years after losing their son Eddy (Greyson Moore), father Stanley (Jason London) cannot seem to live a normal life. His wife Lisa (Meredith Salenger) finally tells him it is okay to "move on" with their life. (Eddy was a budding baseball prodigy, in his young life, and his father coached his team.) Stanley has been sleeping in Eddy's room. When he finds that Lisa has taken some of Eddy's clothing for a fundraising sale he explodes and claims that she had no right to sell HIS son's memories to "the highest bidder". At the garage sale, the grieving parents' neighbor, a foster-care mother, Miss Esther (L.Scott Caldwell) offers an old oil lamp. She says it has given her what she needed and now it is time to find a new owner. At the end of the day, the lamp has not been bought. Lisa tries to return it to Miss Esther, who tells her that "of course" it wasn't bought, because it needed to find "the right owner". Miss Esther then suggests (perhaps) it is her, and gently shuts the door, leaving Lisa holding the lamp. The argument regarding Lisa taking Eddy's old clothes to the sale occurs after this. After the "highest bidder" comment, Stanley sneers at Lisa and the lamp and says "and you brought home THIS?" (I assume as a replacement, in his mind). He leaves, enraged. The next thing memorable, is Stanley being gone, and Lisa in the house as a knock on the door sounds. Enter Charles Montgomery, Jr. III (Louis Gossett, Jr.)..Unwilling to open the door to a stranger, he slips his card under the door. It simply says BELIEVE in ornate script with his name underneath. Lisa then opens the door to him and as he is seated, things happen that amaze her, especially when he simply disappears as Stanley comes in. A seemingly obscure Maintenance worker named Sam (Muse Watson) was...if you looked closely...watching Stanley at Eddy's funeral...he is a key character, though you wouldn't know, in the beginning. When I first saw this, I did not realize (at first) that Josh (Cameron Ten Napel) and Rachel (Katie Burgess) were sisters. I had thought that Rachel was the child whom would be instrumental in helping Stanley to heal.
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